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Benefits of Energy Massage

 Energy work can be a profoundly beneficial aspect of massage therapy. It’s not something that all massage therapists incorporate into their practices, but those who do can create a holistic healing experience. During an energy massage, your therapist may use their intuition to locate pain that cannot be located physically, helping clients heal on emotional and spiritual levels in addition to releasing physical tension. During an energy healing session, your massage therapist will gently place their hands on or over your head, limbs, and torso. They’ll keep their hands in these positions for several minutes as they “channel” energy into your body. Massage énergétique claim this energy transfer promotes healing by removing blockages, allowing the body to release and absorb positive vibrations, and ultimately creating harmony between mind, body, and soul. Massage can also boost your vitamin D levels, which is important in supporting healthy bones and muscles. Additionally, vitamin D helps the body produce and synthesise a natural hormone called serotonin. Low serotonin levels can lead to depression, so boosting them through massage can help you feel happier and more balanced. Using their intuition, massage therapists who specialize in energy work can locate areas of imbalance or blocked energy and then use stimulating massage techniques to restore balance. This can include massage kneading, rubbing, gliding, and pressing to stimulate blood flow and remove energy blockages. It’s important for your massage therapist to assess their client’s energy during the session, determining when their energy flow is balanced and when it’s time to end the treatment. Many people are familiar with the emotional trauma and resulting stress that can be caused by physical injuries or illnesses, such as cancer or severe headaches. Energy healing massage can address these deeper layers of pain by releasing the negative emotions associated with them. Many people who have experienced this form of massage report feeling more at peace and in touch with their spiritual needs afterward, as well as a sense of relief and renewal. While this type of massage can be beneficial for anyone, it’s especially helpful for people who have experienced trauma, emotional problems, or physical illness. It can be particularly helpful in healing chronic pain, such as back or neck issues, or for those with a weak immune system. Additionally, Massage énergétique can reduce stress and improve overall health by lowering the heart rate and increasing oxygen flow to the body’s cells. If you’re interested in experiencing the benefits of energy massage for yourself, check out a local practitioner today.

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